-- Начало Информация Важно! Правила Условия за ползване За нас Кои сме ние Списък на Екипа Партньори Благодарности За контакти Обратна Връзка f.a.q. Галерия Статистики Основни статистики Сървър статус Забрани Забранени ip-та Забранени Профили Герои Онлайн Герои Топ Герои Гласувайте Дарения Информация Дарителски точки Услуги Магазин Видове услуги Закупуване на Злато За контакти Направи предложение Армори Гилдии Списък на Гилдии Арена Арена 2vs2 Арена 3vs3 Арена 5vs5 Арена Личен Рейтинг Енциклопедия Форум Регистрация Вход Награди Победителите от гласуването за месец Май 2018 г. omasvinq / 680 vp. / 5 dp. marinela11 / 656 vp / 3 dp. hristoyordanov / 614 vp. / 2 dp. argos02 / 432 vp. / 1 dp. sakuro / 276 vp. / 1 dp. Честито. Реферал система Ново! Основната идея на този модул е да подпомогне популацията на сървъра, като Ви позволи ВИЕ да го направите по-посещаван. Да привлече не само нови потребители, но да привлече потребители, които познавате. Да позволи създаване на социални контакти между потребителите с цел улесняване намирането на гилдия, pvp другарчета, райд други и всичко останало, свързано с отборната игра, която не неизбежна за всеки wow server . Цялата статия можете да видите тук: Реферал система wow server Новини Как да залагаме на world of warcraft чрез bitcoin? Залагане в wow blizzard entertainment e компания, придобила легендарна слава в областта на разработката на компютърсни игри. Една от причините за това е фактът, че успяват да изненадат и внесат иновации в игровата индустрия на няколко пъти от както започват дейността си през далечната 1991 година. За четвърт век компанията не създава огромно портфолио от игри, но всяка една тяхна разработка се превръща в хит, съдейки за това не само по колосалният брой продажби и цифрите зад тях, но й по силното влияние, което оказват върху съответните им жанрове и върху игровата индустрия като цяло. В същото време игровите продуктите на blizzard винаги са се отличавали от конкурентните, което прави компанията изключително популярна в мултиплейър (много играчи) нишата, въпреки че доста от игрите им са разработени за сингълплейър (един играч). Поради присъщият конкурентен дух на компанията, blizzard полага основите на доста e-sport и electronic sports (електронни спортове) състезания. Въпреки че тези електронни състезания са все още в началния си стадий и са основно предназначени за развлечение, някои игри на blizzard вече са се утвърдили като световен стандарт – например starcraft – еталонът за multiplayer стратегия в реално време. Взимайки всичко това предвид, Е-спортовете и компанията blizzard са два фактора, които вървят заедно и ръка за ръка още от края на 20ти век. През 2004 година обаче компанията пуска на пазара продукт, който се превръща в най-хитовата им игра, полагаща основите на всички бъдещи Е-спорт състезания. Това е world of warcraft , (за по-кратко „wow”) и е от типа жанр ММОРГ (анг. mmorpg) - или масивна мултиплейър онлайн ролева игра. От този момент нататък светът на онлайн игрите се променя необратимо, заедно с този на Е-спортовете. Сега wow е изключително популярна и играчи от цял свят й се наслаждават и практикуват като електронен спорт. Това е и причината много играчи да използват bitcoin като средство за залагане на wow– което от своя страна допринася за едно по-интересно и цялостно преживяване. bet365 е един от най-известните британски букмейкъри. Преди 2 години те предоставиха за пръв път възможността за онлайн залагане на електронни спортове в В момента wow е mmorpg играта, в която най-добрите играчи влизат в схватка за шанса да спечелят стотици хиляди us долари като награда, докато биват наблюдавани от милиони Е-спорт фенове. Ето причините, които правят wow толкова популярна и са я превърнали в основен елементи на Е-спортове като цяло. Залагане в wow За тези, които се наслаждават на world of warcraft, възможността за залагания на различните състезания и турнири, свързани с играта, вероятно звучи като страхотна идея - особено ако може да стане чрез bitcoin. Като най-популярната крипто-валута в света, bitcoin е идеалното средство за онлайн залагания, освободено от влиянието на сложно законодателство или национални закони. Чрез bitcoin потребителят има на разположение напълно анонимна система за финансови транзакции, която е безопасна и ефективна. Повечето преводи не изискват такси, докато други са таксувани с минимални суми. Специализирани казина като предоставят тази възможност на всеки, който иска да се потопи още повече в света на wow чрез онлайн залагане. С възможността за залагане чрез bitcoin , всеки, който се интересува от този Е-спорт, може да направи своето преживяване много по-вълнуващо и да печели пари, гледайки схватките на любимите си играчи в world of warcraft. Букмейкъра bet365 все още не е интегрирал bitcoin като вариант за депозиране и теглене, но се предполага, че до 2019 ако популярността на биткойн нараства, то със сигурност ще го въведат като опция. Как се Играе wow? В същността си wow е ролевa игра. Това означава, че във фентъзи света на човеците от Азерот, измежду Орки, други омагьосани създания и магически земи, играчът се въплъщава в образа на виртуален герой. Същият този герой е пренесен в свят, където други играчи присъстват чрез техните герои. Там всички се впускат заедно в изпълнението на различни задачи ( анг. „quests”), които след успешно завършване носят на играчите „точки опит“ и други награди. Когато играчът има достатъчно точки опит, героят му повишава своето „ниво“ и става по-силен. Процесът на развитие на героя е самата основа на играта, но също така са включени доста опции и възможности като екипиране на героя с магически предмети, оръжия, доспехи и дори зверове, които може да язди. Играта става още по-интересна, когато се играе като Е-спорт. Тук всички участници използват своите герои, за да влязат в арени pvp (player vs. player – анг. Играч срещу Играч), където героите използват всичко, с което разполагат, за да победят противниците си. Тук wow може да се играе в различни режими, включвайки съревнование между 3 на 3 играчи или на доста по-големи отбори. В тези игри не само стратегията и тактиката имат значение, но също така и дълбокото познаване на правилата и особеностите на wow до най-малките детайли. blizzard е силно заинтересована от разширяването на популярността на wow в сферата на Е-спорт предаванията за зрители и затова постоянно подобрява системата за наблюдение за своята фен публика. Дори обмислят включване на raid (анг. нападение) режим на състезание, където играта ще бъде организирана по-различно от режима pvp. Светлото бъдеще за wow като Е-спорт предстои и онлайн казина като и vitalbet го осъзнават. Това е и причината те да предлагат превъзходната възможност на всички да залагат с bitcoin. wow Е-спортът се развива и паралелно с това растат възможностите за залагане като към този момент нищо не е по-добро от използването на крипто-валута като bitcoin. Популярността на wow В момента има повече от 5 милиона активни wow потребители и много от тях са Е-спорт професионалисти. Едно от най-важните Е-спорт събития е „ Състезанията blizzcon ”, което се провеждат годишно и чийто награден фонд расте постоянно. За справка - blizzcon турнирът, проведен през 2011г, имаше награден фонд от $120.00, а през 2014 година - $250,000. Макар и да е вярно, че други Е-спорт игри предлагат по-големи суми и по-впечатляващи турнири, wow като игра има доста силна общност, която със сигурност ще поддържа играта и в бъдеще. wow е ниша в Е-спортовете, която предлага не само забавление и вълнение за своите фенове, но също така и шанса да спечелят солидна печалба от най-добрата крипто-валута в света. Весели празници Промоция Здравейте отново приятели. Както всяка година, така и тази, мисля че е време за подаръци. За тези новогодишни празници, ще раздам по 1000 злато на всеки герой, който има достигнато 80 ниво. Раздадено е сумарно злато на стойност: 8 170 000 gold . Също така, от днес започва нашата коледна промоция. Всички начини за получаване на дарителски точки , ще бъде със 100% бонус. (х2) . Промоцията ще е валидна до 5-ти януари 2018 г. Весели празници. П. evowow обновяване evowow Фиксове и промени Сървърът ни беше успешно обновен снощи с последните подобрения от trinitycore. Направени са множество промени по задачите, мобовете, зони, инстанции и магии. Също така, много скриптнати npc-та и обновен дроп шанс на някои предмети. Ето и списък на промените: battlegrounds update positions of arathi basin buffs fix enum order which counts as array index to spawn creatures on alterac valley - fixes wrong monsters being spawned on horde towers and nodes [spawns seasoned units by default, which should only happen after turning in enough armor scraps] zones underlight mines update coilskar cistern fixes. rwork the entire death knights area update the entire black temple zone to new creature/spell/aura/gob model instances magistersterrace: fix some crashes in selin fireheart. his script is still a shitshow, though. blacktemple: updates on illidan encounter * fixed issues related with parasitic shadowfiend * updated script to new model * fixed loop of parasitic shadowfiend summon * added a new spell (spell_remove_parasitic_shadowfiend) * fixed illidari elite attacking players * spell_parasitic_shadowfiend now is a negative aura * fixed charge behavior on illidan encounter updated trial of crusader instance model * todo: bosses rewrite, instance cleanup, add missing gossips/texts, port all gossips from db. sniffs will be nice. razorscale: fixed issues related with devouring flame quests grmmurggll mrllggrl glrggl!!! end event for tauren's well cleansing totems quests chaining for some quests in venomspite cosmetic fixes for quest blighted last rites improve end event for quest learning to communicate mission accomplished! availability for both factions improve event for quest "making sense of it" quest "pamela's doll" completion event the annals of darrowshire completion event report to goldshire emote. end event for quest mind tricks alchemy specialisation breadcrumbs stop sending "received item" chat message for quest rewards. thrallmar & shadowmoon village quest text corrections the calling report to orgnil skull rock end event (margoz) neeru fireblade sunstrider isle corrections * random movement on some mana wyrms * lynx collars (quest item) always drop * aggression - talk and point on offer. point when incomplete. talk on turn in. * report to lanthan perlion - bow and talk on turn in * thirst unending - point when incomplete * felendren the banished - bow and talk on turn in * the shrine of dath'remar - talk and point on accept. bow and talk on turn in * solanian's belongings - talk when incomplete. clap on turn in * reclaiming sunstrider isle - talk on accept * tainted arcane sliver is refusable * felendren the banished rewards aiding the outrunners * slain by the wretched requires aiding the outrunners * correct felendren's respawn time * felendren the banished, feral tender, tainted arcane wraith and arcane wraith sais add small rp event related to quest cruelty of the kvaldir call the headless horseman improvements related to quest the slumbering king "headhunting" & "bloodscalp clan heads" completion events the corrupter (part 3) outro event dark storms outro event rot hide outro event improvements to quest stop the ascension! intro event for the tome of divinity dark storms still at it outro event for the quest avast ye, admiral! update multiple emotes in quests in durotar sully balloo's letter outro event vyletongue corruption (alliance) sara balloo's plea a king's tribute outo event iron rune constructs and you: the bluff guile of the raptor (part 2) fix some missing npc spells and quest credit talk event for quest a suitable test subject * when using the quest item for a suitable test subject and the spell aura vanishes, bloodmage laurith should turn toward the player and whisper a line. implement quest greeting (db table quest_greeting) marshal dughan greetings. the missing diplomat part 14 (id 1265) the key to scholomance the broken sigil intro event for the quest brothers in death intro event for the quest scarlet armies approach improve cosmetic details of quest in service of the lich king cosmetic fixes for spells involved in the quest towers of certain doom intro event for the quest the thandol span cosmetic fixes for gruesome, but necessary improve end event for quest goblin invaders improve events for quests rite of vision (part 2 and 3) the earthen oath - oathbound warder ability spells- add missing spells to minions' pet bar update echeyakee isha awak outro event samophlange (part 2) the mind's eye outro event the end of the deserters the elder crone forsaken aid blood of innocents return to thunder bluff a gift for the warchief unexpected results spy hunter to stars' rest to rule the skies latent power oh noes, the tadpoles! mission eternal flame outro event for chieftain oomooroo boulderslide ravine cycle of rebirth fix samophlange outro event timer homeward bound journey to the crossroads sacred fire the tear of the moons improvements to quest stop the ascension! - reset the event after 30 secs if halfdan is out of combat the troll witchdoctor parts for kravel indurium news for fizzle dream dust in the swamp zanzil's mixture and a fool's stout "get the gnomes drunk" & "get the goblins drunk" creatures loot for crazed divers instructor ciel sai keeper witherleaf sai blue-and-white cube thrown by dragonflayer strategists shayis steelfury gossip/menu chillmere coastrunner sai improve scripts for some scarlet crusaders fix language for some scarlet crusade texts add missing gossip/menu option to winterhoof brave and westguard sergeant update gossip/menu text for old icefin deranged explorer sai illidari taskmaster and dreghood brute update multiple gossip/menu text for some npcs in western plaguelands chromie in andorhal and mulgris deepriver gossip/menu improvement nathanos blightcaller aggro text & kill text grimmaw sai and waypoints fury shelda sai and waypoints sai scripts for creatures in teldrassil * gnarlpine ursa, gnarlpine gardener, gnarlpine warrior, gnarlpine shaman, gnarlpine defender, gnarlpine augur, gnarlpine pathfinder, gnarlpine avenger, gnarlpine totemic, gnarlpine mystic, uruson, rageclaw, greenpaw, ursal the mauler, grimmaw, feral nightsaber, duskstalker, webwood lurker, webwood venomfang, webwood silkspinner, giant webwood spider, shadow sprite, rascal sprite, dark sprite, vicious grell, threggil, lord melenas, timberling bark ripper, timberling trampler, timberling mire beast, elder timberling, fury shelda, bloodfeather harpy, bloodfeather sorceress, bloodfeather fury, bloodfeather wind witch, bloodfeather matriarch and rageclaw add missing gossip/menu option to high priestess macdonnell and shadow priestess vandis rathis tomber gossip/menu felweaver scornn sai gibblewilt sai lieutenant tomathren sai/menu/text temper gossip/menu kira songshine sai innkeeper trelayne sai windcaller proudhorn gossip/menu sai scripts for creatures in azshara * varo'then's ghost, highborne apparition, highborne lichling, lingering highborne, the evalcharr, thunderhead hippogryph, thunderhead stagwing, thunderhead skystormer, thunderhead patriarch, thunderhead consort, antilos, mistwing rogue, mistwing ravager, haldarr trickster, haldarr felsworn, warlord krellian, general fangferror, lady sesspira, timberweb recluse, cliff thunderer, cliff walker, monnos the elder, timbermaw pathfinder, timbermaw warrior, timbermaw totemic, timbermaw den watcher, timbermaw shaman, timbermaw ursa, gatekeeper rageroar, blood elf surveyor, blood elf reclaimer, magister hawkhelm, legashi satyr, legashi rogue, legashi hellcaller, master feardred, forest ooze, makrinni razorclaw, makrinni scrabbler, makrinni snapclaw, young wavethrasher, wavethrasher, great wavethrasher, storm bay warrior, storm bay oracle, arkkoran pincer, arkkoran oracle, servant of arkkoroc, son of arkkoroc, scalebeard, draconic magelord, draconic mageweaver and antilos. convert spitelash naga cpp to sai waypoint/movement overhaul of dawnstar spire drak'aguul/drakkari oracle sai update goosip/menu/dialog text for: * frankal stonebridge, rutgar glyphshaper, vish kozus, geologist larksbane, hermit ortell, bor wildmane, lesser wind stone, wind stone and greater wind stone, vindicator palanaar, quartermaster miranda breechlock <the argent dawn>, anchorite avuun & magtoor sai/movement elemental spawns in borean tundra improve sai scripts for some creatures in durotar * scorpid worker, sarkoth, yarrog baneshadow, clattering scorpid, venomtail scorpid, kolkar drudge, warlord kolkanis, encrusted surf crawler, makrura snapclaw, makrura elder, voodoo troll, zalazane, lieutenant benedict, kul tiras marine, razormane quilboar, razormane dustrunner, razormane battleguard, captain flat tusk, dreadmaw crocolisk, corrupted dreadmaw crocolisk, burning blade neophyte, burning blade apprentice, fizzle darkstorm, thunder lizard, lightning hide, dustwind pillager, dustwind storm witch random movement for some creatures in durotar too. sai scripts for creatures in mulgore * bristleback battleboar, bristleback shaman, elder plainstrider, prairie wolf, prairie stalker, prairie wolf alpha, wiry swoop, swoop, taloned swoop, venture co. laborer, venture co. taskmaster, venture co. worker, venture co. supervisor, kodo matriarch, kodo bull, kodo calf, galak outrunner, bristleback interloper, the rake, enforcer emilgund, bael'dun digger, bael'dun appraiser, windfury wind witch, windfury sorceress, windfury matriarch, sister hatelash, snagglespear, arra'chea, mazzranache, palemane tanner and palemane poacher sai scripts for creatures in silithus * azure templar, earthen templar, hoary templar, crimson templar, the duke of cynders, the duke of fathoms, the duke of shards, the duke of zephyrs, prince skaldrenox, high marshal whirlaxis, baron kazum and lord skwol minigob manabonk update * despawn and stay despawned! * adjusted actions to match the only video of event i could find and based on sniff data from 3.3.5, 12340 build. * chance for event to occur is drastically reduced based on dalaran population. 1-99, the population of dalaran is the chance. 100+ means the event is assured. multiple d.e.t.h.a sai updates. ragefire chasm overhaul sai/text updates. mana wyrm sai fixes creature text and sai fixes * beetix ficklespragg, noggle ficklespragg, bazil thredd, cersei dusksinger, lorrin foxfire, rogvar, kartosh & greshka, skadir raider, infected kodo, advisor sunsworn, loh'atu, athrikus narassin, alexi barov & weldon barov, snagglespear, shy-rotam & sian-rotam, zaricotl, eldara dawnrunner, sarilus foulborne, brother sarno, borgoth the bloodletter, masophet the black, thotar, micah stonebreaker, greengill slave, advisor sorrelon, supervisor raelen, marshal gryan stoutmantle, sputtervalve, sethir the ancient, stable master kitrik, celebras the redeemed, zaetar's spirit, venture co. overseer, coosh'coosh, magistrix carinda, ragged john, pilgrim gal'ressa and taleris dawngazer, orbaz bloodbane, highlord darion mograine, scarlet peasant, herald amorlin, privateer groy, jorn skyseer, erratic sentry, maggran earthbinder, mor'rogal, hezrul bloodmark, cannoneer smythe & cannoneer whessan, tsunaman, j.d. collie, troll roof stalker, valusha, arikara, scourging crystal, naias and grenka bloodscreech fix baron rivendare mount and aura waypoints for rocklance, wooly kodo, motega firemane, achellios the banished, tower of the damned stonetalon mountains & ashenvale quest emotes (horde only) update ruuzel foramtions guard untula should always be female scarlet captain npcs should be mounted migrate elder kuruti to sai terokkar forest sai migration migrate shattrath city npcs to sai * zephyr and flask vendors * update gossip menu options to proper values update boss toravon the ice watcher * frozen orbs: fixed summon delay, removed old hack, aggro behavior implemented (every 10sec they reset threat and change target) * remove no longer needed script for the orb stalker * all timers adjusted * fix frostbite proc nimrida and keyanomir positions fix multiple loots * kobold vermin, kobold worker, kobold laborer, diseased young wolf, diseased timber wolf, defias thug, garrick proudfoot leviroth's item_script to sai yenniku (move npc_yenniku to sai) alchemist arbington and apothecary dithers core script to db migrate raliq the drunk and sal'salabim to sai fix random movement of lost souls correct waypoints of nissa agamand reposition broken scarlet warrior rivern frostwind to sai stillpine hold * stillpine hold overhaul * update npc movement, delete wrong models and ranged weapons, correct angle/distance of formation * delete four npcs and all stillpine raiders fix deepstrider giant/searcher's weapon while pathing creatures in swamp of sorrows sai script updates * stonard scout, stonard explorer, adolescent whelp, dreaming whelp, dreamwatcher forktongue, sorrow spinner, deathstrike tarantula, sawtooth snapper, swampwalker, swampwalker elder, tangled horror, draenei protector, molt thorn lost one mudlurker, lost one fisherman, lost one hunter, lost one muckdweller, lost one seer, lost one riftseeker, lost one chieftain, cursed lost one, lost one cook, lord captain wyrmak, green wyrmkin, wyrmkin dreamwalker, green scalebane, elder dragonkin, somnus, marsh inkspewer, marsh inkspewer, marsh oracle, swamp talker, jarquia, jade, murk slitherer, murk spitter, kazkaz the unholy and atal'ai priest * increase movement range for sawfin frenzy update sais for creatures in silverpine forest. * worg, mottled worg, gorefang, vile fin shredder, vile fin tidehunter, ravenclaw raider, ravenclaw slave, ivar the foul, ferocious grizzled bear, giant grizzled bear, old vicejaw, rot hide gladerunner, rot hide mystic, moss stalker, krethis shadowspinner, moonrage whitescalp, moonrage darkrunner, moonrage glutton, moonrage bloodhowler, moonrage darksoul, ravenclaw servant, hand of ravenclaw, fenwick thatros, vile fin tidecaller, vile fin lakestalker, vile fin oracle, vile fin shorecreeper, elder lake creeper, lake creeper, elder lake skulker, lake skulker, rot hide brute, rot hide plague weaver, rot hide savage, raging rot hide, snarlmane, thule ravenclaw, dalaran protector, dalaran warder, dalaran apprentice, dalaran mage, dalaran wizard, dalaran watcher, dalaran apprentice, dalaran brewmaster, dalaran spellscribe, archmage ataeric, sickly refugee, haggard refugee, valdred moray, moonrage watcher, pyrewood watcher, moonrage sentry, pyrewood sentry, moonrage tailor, pyrewood tailor, ravenclaw drudger and clam master k captain tyralius improvements remove wrong mount from champion vranesh and fix the react state initiate emeline and initiate colin cut down the creature text spam in skorn improvements for gjalerbron prisoner dr. witherlimb sai remove wrong aura from an ironforge guard update ashenvale creatures sai scripts. * ghostpaw alpha, wildthorn stalker, wildthorn venomspitter, wrathtail sorceress, wrathtail priestess, blackfathom tide priestess, fallenroot satyr, fallenroot rogue, blackfathom oracle, forsaken seeker, dark strand cultist, dark strand adept, saltspittle puddlejumper, saltspittle oracle, mugglefin, felslayer, thistlefur avenger, thistlefur shaman, thistlefur pathfinder, dal bloodclaw, thistlefur ursa, thistlefur totemic, shadethicket moss eater, shadethicket raincaller, branch snapper, foulweald den watcher, foulweald totemic, befouled water elemental, tideress, eck'alom, cenarion protector, blink dragon, cenarion vindicator, keeper ordanus, oakpaw, bloodtooth guard, bleakheart hellcaller, prince raze, xavian rogue, xavian betrayer, xavian felsworn, xavian hellcaller, geltharis, ashenvale outrunner, severed keeper, taneel darkwood, mannoroc lasher, diathorus the seeker * random movement for some creatures * correct spawn position and add random movement for some creatures * remove wrong mount for forsaken thug * correct equipment for wrathtail razortail * add equipment to ruuzel * add waypoint movement to ruuzel update desolace creatures sai. * hissperak, crusty, giggler, kaskk, accursed slitherblade, tyranis malem, prince kellen, jugkar grim'rod, lord azrethoc, hatefury rogue, hatefury trickster, hatefury betrayer, hatefury shadowstalker, hatefury hellcaller, gritjaw basilisk, hulking gritjaw basilisk, burning blade summoner, burning blade adept, burning blade augur, burning blade shadowmage, burning blade reaver * random movement for some creatures * fix spawn position for some creatures * add waypoint movement to burning blade felsworn warsong battleguard/warsong honor guard fix creature text for some paladin-related npcs moonstalker runt max level fix darnassian huntress missing spawns/waypoints mmmrrrggglll death event wailing caverns updates * update lady anacondra, lord cobrahn, lord pythas, lord serpentis, mutanus the devourer, druid of the fang and deviate venomwing maraudon sais * update deeprot stomper, deeprot tangler, poison sprite, corruptor, putridus satyr, putridus shadowstalker, putridus trickster, cavern shambler, cavern lurker, noxious slime, sister of celebrian, celebrian dryad, constrictor vine, barbed lasher, vile larva, spewed larva, thessala hydra, subterranean diemetradon, tinkerer gizlock, primordial behemoth and rotgrip sais lazy peons are heard too widely durotar - valley of the trials loot tables add waypoints for eastvale peasants, eastvale lumberjack, hezrul bloodmark and razorfen kraul update borean tundra creatures sai scripts * unliving swine, en'kilah necrolord, bane, kvaldir mist lord, kel'thuzad, injured warsong shaman, injured warsong mage, injured warsong warrior, injured warsong engineer, rockfang, gammothra the tormentor, ragnar drakkarlund, crypt crawler, rocknar, lurid, high deathpriest isidorus, high deathpriest isidorus, ziggurat defender, fleeing cultist, fleeing cultist, bloodspore moth, bloodmage laurith, primal mighthorn, bloodspore firestarter, primal mighthorn, bloodmage laurith, bloodspore moth, bloodspore harvester, bloodspore firestarter, den vermin, bloodspore harvester and bloodspore roaster update blackfathom deeps creatures sai scripts. * fallenroot shadowstalker, fallenroot hellcaller, twilight reaver, twilight aquamancer, twilight loreseeker, twilight acolyte, twilight shadowmage and twilight elementalist update racial leaders sai scripts. * tyrande whisperwind, arch druid fandral staghelm, king magni bronzebeard, high tinker mekkatorque, prophet velen, king varian wrynn, lor'themar theron, halduron brightwing, grand magister rommath, vol'jin, archbishop benedictus and lady jaina proudmoore add aggro sound to cairne bloodhoo, sylvanas windruner and thrall commander hobb model fix reginald windsor - reginald windsor should not be spawned in stormwind, as he was killed by onyxia during the questline that was removed before wotlk's launch. update boss lady illucia barov spells conversion of bristlelimb cage/stillpine captive to sai spawn missing rares in dustwallow marsh dustwallow marsh zone creatures sai updates. * darkfang venomspitter, giant darkfang spider, drywallow crocolisk, drywallow snapper, noxious flayer, noxious reaver, noxious shredder, theramore deserter, bloodfen screecher, bloodfen razormaw, bloodfen lashtail, goreclaw the ravenous, brimgore, scorchscale drake, searing whelp, searing hatchling, hayoc, acidic swamp ooze, grimtotem breaker, grimtotem spirit-shifter, grimtotem spirit wolf, grimtotem elder, grimtotem destroyer, grimtotem earthbinder, apothecary cylla, darkmist spider, darkmist recluse, darkmist silkspinner, darkmist widow, darkmist hatchling, withervine creeperm withervine rager, withervine mire beastm theramore infiltrator, muckshell clacker, muckshell pincer, muckshell scrabbler, murk thresher, elder murk thresher, privateer, deserter lieutenant, mudrock spikeshell, defias rummager, defias conjuror, garn mathers, defias diver, razorspine, burgle eye, mirefin oracle, mirefin muckdweller, mirefin coastrunner, oozeworm, deadmire, ripscale, drogoth the roamer, lord angler and the rot thousand needles zone creatures sai updates. * gravelsnout forager, gravelsnout surveyor, crag stalker, cloud serpent, elder cloud serpent, pesterhide snarler, thundering boulderkin, heartrazor, achellios the banished, galak stormer, galak mauler, galak messenger, galak flame guard, scalding elemental, boiling elemental, gibblesnik, saltstone basilisk, saltstone gazer, saltstone gazer, sparkleshell snapper, sparkleshell borer, salt flats scavenger, salt flats vulture, vile sting, ironeye the invincible, silithid invader, silithid hive drone, grimtotem stomper, grimtotem geomancer, grimtotem bandit, harb foulmountain, grimtotem reaver and grimtotem reaver essential update for ruuzlu & sandfury executioner (target between 0-20% health) fix some bloodmoon cultist spawns set prepared weapon for npcs using waypoints fix levels for multiple creatures northrend: move sholazar basin npcs to smartai implement on-death behaviour for bonestripper vulture and bonestripper buzzard implement troll-only gossip for npc paelarin the barrens zone creatures sai updates. * greater plainstrider, fleeting plainstrider, sunscale lashtail, sunscale screecher, sunscale scytheclaw, razormane water seeker, razormane thornweaver, razormane defender, razormane geomancer, razormane mystic, razormane stalker, razormane seer, razormane warfrenzym, hagg taurenbane, lok orcbane, nak, southsea brigand, southsea cannoneer, southsea cutthroat, southsea privateer, tazan, baron longshore, theramore marine, theramore preserver, captain fairmount, cannoneer smythe, cannoneer whessan, witchwing harpy, witchwing roguefeather, witchwing slayer, witchwing ambusher, witchwing windcaller, serena bloodfeather, savannah matriarch, stormsnout, thunderhead, stormhide, thunderhawk hatchling greater thunderhawk, thunderhawk cloudscraper, silithid protector, silithid creeper, silithid creeper egg, silithid grub, silithid swarmer, silithid swarm, silithid harvester, harvester swarm, azzere the skyblade, brontus, venture co. peon, venture co. drudger, tinkerer sniggles, venture co. mercenary, supervisor lugwizzle, overseer glibby, venture co. enforcer, boss copperplug, foreman grills, bristleback thornweaver, bristleback geomancer, bristleback water seeker, barrens kodo, bael'dun excavator, bael'dun foreman, digger flameforge, prospector khazgorm, bael'dun soldier, bael'dun rifleman, bael'dun officer, captain gerogg hammertoe, burning blade acolyte, rathorian, kolkar bloodcharger, kolkar marauder, kolkar pack runner, kolkar stormer, rocklance, geopriest gukk'rok, snort the heckler, swinegart spearhide, trigore the lasher, devouring ectoplasm, deviate stinglash, deviate slayer, deviate creeper, deviate stalker, gesharahan, death's head cultist, death's head necromancer and razorfen servitor. * fix movement for some creatures * fix position for some creatures * add emotes for some creatures * pooling for baron longshore feralas zone creatures sai updates. * longtooth runner, longtooth howler, longtooth runner, snarler, sprite dragon, sprite darter, ironfur patriarch, northspring harpy, northspring roguefeather, northspring slayer, northspring windcaller, lethlas, rage scar yeti, ferocious rage scar, wandering forest walker, land walker, cliff giant, vale screecher, rogue vale screecher, sea spray, coast crawl deepseer, coast crawl snapclaw, hatecrest screamer, hatecrest warrior, hatecrest wave rider, hatecrest siren, hatecrest serpent guard, hatecrest siren, hatecrest myrmidon, lord shalzaru, lord lakmaeran, chimaerok devourer, chimaerok, arcane chimaerok, gordok ogre-mage, gordunni mauler, gordunni brute, gordunni warlock, gordunni warlord, gordunni battlemaster, gordunni mage-lord, gordunni ogre, gordunni ogre mage, enraged feral scar, grimtotem shaman, grimtotem naturalist, grimtotem raider, woodpaw mongrel, woodpaw trapper, woodpaw brute, woodpaw mystic, woodpaw reaver, woodpaw alpha, gnarl leafbrother, zukk'ash stinger, zukk'ash wasp, zukk'ash worker, zukk'ash tunneler, qirot, lady szallah, skarr the unbreakable, the razza and mushgog razorfen kraul instance creatures sai updates. * death's head adept, rotting agam'ar, raging agam'ar, agam'ar, death's head acolyte, razorfen dustweaver, razorfen handler, razorfen beastmaster, razorfen groundshaker, razorfen warden, death's head priest, razorfen spearhide, razorfen stalker, greater kraul bat, roogug, aggem thorncurse, death speaker jargba, overlord ramtusk, charlga razorflank, agathelos the raging * remove wrong spawns - tamed hyena, stone rumbler, stone rumbler, wind howler stonetalon mountains zone creatures sai updates. * besseleth, deepmoss hatchling, deepmoss matriarch, blackened basilisk, scorched basilisk, singed basilisk, gerenzo wrenchwhistle, goggeroc, furious stone spirit, bloodfury harpy, bloodfury roguefeather, bloodfury slayer, bloodfury ambusher, bloodfury windcaller, bloodfury storm witch, bloodfury ripper and fix faction for brother ravenoak fix state for gymer and inhabittype for gerk fix prince valanar movements on dk starting area update game guards scripts fix unit flag for some pilgrim's bounty npcs fix stormwind guard position add missing texts for wilfred fizzlebang hillsbrad foothills zone creatures sai updates. * forsaken raider, forest moss creeper, giant moss creeper, mudsnout shaman, mudsnout gnoll, hillsbrad councilman, magistrate burnside, syndicate shadow mage, syndicate watchman, syndicate rogue, dun garok priest, remove wrong texts from jailor marlgen, hillsbrad apprentice blacksmith, dun garok riflemen, pooling for creepthess, pooling for big samras, pathing for lady zephris, pathing for scargil and pathing for tamra stormpike desolace zone creatures sai updates. * demon spirit, khan dez'hepah, khan hratha, khan shaka, kolkar centaur, kolkar destroyer, kolkar mauler, kolkar scout, kolkar windchaser, kolkar battle lord, magram outrunner, magram wrangler, magram scout, magram mauler, magram stormer, magram windchaser, magram marauder, gelkis mauler, gelkis earthcaller, gelkis scout, gelkis stamper, gelkis windchaser, gelkis marauder, gelkis outrunner, slitherblade naga, slitherblade sorceress, slitherblade myrmidon, slitherblade razortail, slitherblade oracle, slitherblade sea witch and pathing for centaur pariah arathi highlands zone creatures sai updates. * highland thrasher, mesa buzzard, elder mesa buzzard, plains creeper, giant plains creeper, boulderfist ogre, boulderfist enforcer, boulderfist brute, boulderfist mauler, boulderfist magus, boulderfist shaman, boulderfist lord, witherbark troll, witherbark shadowcaster, witherbark axe thrower, witherbark headhunter, witherbark witch doctor, witherbark shadow hunter, witherbark berserker, dabyrie laborer, fardel dabyrie, drywhisker digger, drywhisker surveyor, thundering exile, rumbling exile, cresting exile, syndicate thief, syndicate prowler, otto, lord falconcrest, stromgarde troll hunter, feeboz, znort, sleeby, thenan, darbel montrose, molok the crusher, zalas witherbark and ruul onestone * spawn missing rares in arathi highlands core resolve crash in battlegroundav * resolve crash in battlegroundav * sanity check on application of dynamic spawn rates (not for bg/arena maps) * check that spawndata exists before using it. fixed mail_items entries being left in database after deleting expired mails fix logic for brewfest music fixed battleground double kill exploit fix a crash bug when teleporting out of map before being fully added to that map. store + send holiday data move alchemy specialization-related script to db and fix some wrong texts move aquementas to sai & improve related event add functionality to allow low level quests/kills/discoveries to grant experience fix issues with midsummer's ribbon pole * fixed achievement burning hot pole dance * update scripts for quest torch tossing, using all correct spells and timers * updated script register model fixed less and less objects from pools being spawned the longer the server is running fix reaction with rival factions make booty bay bruisers turn into drunken bruisers during new year's eve & fireworks spectacular implemented extra flag to use offhand attacks. * fixed initial offhand attack timer so the main and offhand attacks will now act blizzlike instead of getting executed at the same time. * note: since some creature equipment items cannot be identified as weapon since they are only visual items there is no way to detect this automaticly. gathering no longer fails after patch 3.1.0 * gathering items with orange skill level will no longer fail as it has been removed with patch 3.1.0 spells effectsanctuary should stop attack fixed proc of ashen band of endless wisdom * spell item - icecrown reputation ring healer trigger should proc on cast. * fix proc with spells like rejuvenation (checked on retail). fixed proc of owl's focus fixed issues with school immune improve teleport destination for a certain class of spells (killing spree, shadowstep, etc... add spell radius to 'feral charge - cat' since it's missing in dbc fixed dragon's breath with living bomb explosion violet hold - defense system sheath of light - overheal scaling fix remove a phase hack for the eye of acherus items fix availability of item fei fei doggy treat limit usage of item [gorth's torch] to correct areas fix item text for damp diary page (day 4) and damp diary page fix drops from item message in a bottle fixed sending unlocked items by mail db/misc fix multiple greeting quests miles sidney trigger los event only for players argent tournament heralds in dalaran fix event chance for talk action of npc paelarin fix emotes used by chicken critters update multiple quest emotes the barrens gameobjects solliden farmstead needs more pumpkins - tirisfal-pumpkin add missing bonfire in amani catacombs fix phase for the death knights of acherus implement chance to turn player into a rabbit for the gameobjects brightly colored egg prevent alliance from interacting with a horde-only gameobject questgiver fix some nodes positions script brightly colored egg transformation using the npc trigger summoned by the trap ahbot auction bidders * save more auction bidders than the highest bidder only evowow Ъпдейт evowow Фиксове и промени Сървърът ни беше успешно обновен снощи с последните подобрения от trinitycore. Направени са множество промени по задачите, мобовете, зони, инстанции и магии. Също така, много скриптнати npc-та и обновен дроп шанс на някои предмети. Ето и списък на промените: --- db/quests --- fixes certain situations in which the quest window would get stuck after completing a quest. add missing quest text. an unholy alliance. show actual player name in reward text. q: grimtotem spying. fix the prodigal lich returns is missing its end even. fixed seasonal quest chains and ability to complete the same quests rewarded in past. various quest system fixes (seasonal quests, timed quests and more) * update area dependent auras on quest status change (they often requires specific quest status) * send all not stored quest rewards by mail * when casting quest reward spell, check if it is not self casted, if so - use player to cast this spell * perform full db save on quest reward to prevent data desynchronization * don't allow to fail completed timed quests, except for quests which are completed right from the start * don't allow to share pooled quests, if they are not available in the current pool (eg sharing easy dalaran weeklies, stored at alt character) * remove seasonal quest if rewarded quest is removed. * don't complete the whole quest on areaexplore event, check if there are no more requirements that should be fulfilled. * quests with flag quest_special_flags_player_kill can be only credited in quest zone fix guarded thunderbrew barrel / distracting jarven fix blowing hodir's horn requirement sons of hodir gameobject quest givers visibility improvements for scalding mornbrew delivery event for the absent minded prospector part 4 the masters touch and cultists among us requirements fix add missing emotes for tirisfal glades quests. finish me! requirements fix. celestial planetarium access quests celestial planetarium access heroic requirements update/fix battle of hillsbrad death from below - show actual player race in reward stone is better than cloth - use actual player name the crimson courier (14350) - add missing text stay mounted on infected kodo beast in all 4 intended borean tundra zones add surveying the ruins, a boaring time for grulloc, in a scrap with the legion, sabotage the warp-gate! and invaluable asset zapping quests missing rewardtext you, robot (10248): missing progress text + partial rewardtext a haunted history (10624): add missing progress & reward text --- db/sai --- a righteous sermon - fix bad target for script for move to the position which was using target 1 instead of 8 which was causing npc to walk through the wall and disappear on quest accept. tormenting the softknuckles - fix script so that if player does not successfully kill the hardknuckle matriach it does not remain hostile as an invisible mob to players doing damage to players who get in agro range. add missing charmed flags to blight geists which is required for when they are charmed as part of it roll's downhill. fix matis the cruel. the demoniac scryer (update) - changes to script so that credit is only given at end of event rather than after first wave of mobs due to timer aura been removed on evade. wrangle some aether rays - fix aether rays! doesn't count for completion. fix wind trader marid. troublesome distractions - missing event cosmetic improvements to deeprun tram zone. magister idonis and arcanist janeda event fix thrallmar grunt event text --- db/creatures --- add missing spirit healers - all graveyards are checked. fix caer darrow ghost citizen npcs missing. fix hargin mundar out of combat talk. fix event for npc r-3d0 in blade's edge mountains fix rp event for dame auriferous, high executor mavren, advisor valwyand deathstalker maltendis in tranquillien update fizzles. time watchers. the npc will despawn at the end of the mini event and respawn later in a correct position fix arcatraz sentinel & destroyed sentinel fix fallen earthen warrior blightguard spawns. remove double spawns from death knights area fix invalid equipment on caynrus creatures should no longer get stuck in evade mode following a target if a spell hits the creature just as it's entering evade mode. add some ziggurat defender spawns fix some spawns on borean tundra add some missing spawns in sholazar basin add some missing beryl mage hunter add some missing spawns in voltarus fix necro overlord mezhen fix serfex the reaver pooling fix north sea kraken pooling marauding geist spawns fix hearthsinger forresten crystalforge bunny tivax the breaker pooling. remove dup spawn of overseer faedris add some missing spawns in deathforge fix farmer saldean add missing spawns in wintergarde mausoleum fix zem leeward, lil timmy, tosamina, verna furlbrow, farmer furlbrow, althea ebonlocke, lord ello ebonlocke, councilman millstipe, hogan ference, defias messenger and madame eva creatures ai/text. fix risen archmage positions on valithria 25 modes --- db/gossip --- update maddix and alieshor cosmetic fixes related to quest underlight ore samples add missing menu texts for some npcs in sunstrider isle --- db/gameobjects --- add missing gobs for map 450, 560, 329 - mostly chairs and random stuff add a missing cosmetic yellow teleport add missing spawn of the alliance of lordaeron add some missing mailboxes in undercity --- db/spells --- fixed spell range of flush pipe (dalaran sewers knockback) fixed paladin t8 holy 2p bonus proc fix deep freeze proc. fixed focused attacks proc with mutilate prevent vile gas (h rotface version) from hitting non-players. fixed proc of righteous vengeance with judgements fixed guarded by the light proc with judgements fixed winter's chill proccing in full absorb -- db/misc --- ragefire chasm - formation and waypoint rework icecrown citadel entrance spawns and event abjurist belmara, cohlien frostweaver, conjurer luminrath and battle-mage dathric each should become neutral to players once there associated quest is rewarded --- core/misc --- implemented manager for petitions to perform all petition related tasks and synchronize data with the database. fixed fall damage when teleporting together with transport always set flight state change packets for players, even if their latest movementinfo doesn't indicate it's needed (the mi might be outdated). fixes a player flight exploit --- core/quests --- allow to share already completed (but not rewarded) quests, the restriction was unblizzlike. display quest objective explore completion message. game client should show an on-screen message for explored quest objectives (areaexploredoreventhappens) when the objective has been completed. prevent an issue causing quests to become invisible upon relog fixed order of rewardchoiceitems and reputation reward. --- core/unit --- fix spell_aura_mod_damage_done damage calculation on non-mele schools. fix a whole set of possible infinite loop crashes in sai (events triggering themselves even with cooldown set) --- core/spell --- implement pvp trinket immunity against judgement of justice refactor setting spell info corrections to report errors about spells that no longer exist. change the radius of pbaoes following the feedback. in case of immunity, check all effects to choose correct procflags, as none has technically hit. allows dispersion and barkskin to be used under death coil. allows dispersion under freeze (stun by hunter trap) fix weird dbc data for elixir of detect undead fix some spells that shouldn't allow stealth or invisibility. * touch of zanzil * glowing blood * lambent blood * vibrant blood * black blood * perpetual instability allow bosses to receive knockback under certain conditions. fix piercing shot dot clipping - hunter. fixed range issue with killing spree. fix t10 melee 4p bonus - warrior. extend combo point system to all units and fix numerous quirks with rogue cp and vehicles (malygos p3). implement wolverine bite combustion will now properly go on cooldown when the buff is manually cancelled. fix krick's pursuit ability --- core/scripts --- ulduar initial implementation of the thorim encounter. special thanks to: chaodhib for the blizzard trigger waypoints and investigation on spell radius and malcrom for creating the conditions creator * fixed stormhammer casting and visuals * fixed spell credits * implemented removal of impale when hp is higher than 90% * corrected faction templates for the pre combat creatures * implemeted leap on the arena adds (thanks to joschiwald for implementing conditions) * scripted lighting charge using aurascript periodic * fixed timings * corrections on the hallway encounters (added knockback immunity to minibosses too) * fixed multiple blizzards issue * lever will now reset properly, should players fail to get inside. this allows the door to be opened more than once during the combat * corrections in the outro event * implemented paralytic field traps on the hallway. * implemented ancient gate of the keepers opening. * changed blizzard bunny targetting to conditions entirely. * removed obsolete scripts * standards: delete spell script names by scriptname instead of spell_id * swapped factions for pre-adds (alliance should get horde trash and vs) * fixed leap setting home position for adds * removed a bunch of magic numbers * runic colossus should finish current runic explosion before beginning to attack * fixed updateai logic to put it in line with other scripts (ie don't stop casts) icc: add missing cases for dark martyrdom difficulty entries how come nobody noticed this? ulduar: fix a super edge case bug where algalon would evade if his tank successfully tanked a cosmic smash and got knocked up. shadow priests everywhere rejoiced. properly set freya's bossstate do done and avoid some loot exploits. fixed some events that not should triggered by non-players on illidan encounter updated sunwell plateau instance model fix unit target is no longer missing for talk, making willix name the attacking unit when he shouts for help. simplify speech for dk races quests. filter out corpses from sindragosa's fury targetlist. this would incur in a crash after attempting to convert the corpse object into player karazhan: fix attumen and midnight not moving towards each other on phase transition after latest changes auchindoun: replace the blackheart the inciter hack-filled script with a slightly less hack-filled script that actually works. icecrowncitadel: prevent players from becoming inaccessible when killed by lord marrowgar's impale spell (the initial damage, not the dot). also fix the underlying bug in vehicle logic. icecrown citadel: fixed lord marrowgar - coldflame to not ignore resistances razorscale rewrite icc: minor fixes for lich king. * fixed shadow trap and defile targets * fixed shadow trap summon delay and duration * fixed berserk timer (15 minutes) * fixed shadow trap despawn when snowstorm starts * fix valkyr charge spell, they will no longer ignore z position and become unreachable. * correct height of spirit bomb and added the 3 seconds delay on his explosion. * set the trigger inside frostmourne room as active, to avoid problems with reseting the room, e.g: spirit bombs not despawning and wicked spirits stuck in evade. * use correct inhabittype for wicked and vile spirits, this avoid a situation where they could spawn falling. rewrite boss kalecgos (sunwell plateau) naxxramas: fix heigan the unclean eruption event azjolnerub: fix some duplicate summons after justappeared changes. --- core/vmaps --- fix los in strand of the ancients --- core/server --- proper client timeout detection. * properly detect client timeout when logged into a character after a configurable time (default 60s) has passed without the client sending any packets. * fixes issues with crashed clients leaving characters in the world for a very long time (default 15 minutes), as well as edge case exploits involving intentionally pausing client execution for some amount of time. prevent queueing more than one realmlist query at the same time dynamic creature/go spawning * true blizzlike creature spawn/respawn behavior - new creature = new object * toggleable spawn groups (with c++/sai/command options to use them) * custom feature: dynamic spawn rate scaling. accelerates respawn rate based on players in the zone. * backward compatibility mode (set via group and for summons) to support creatures/gos that currently don't work well with this (this should be removed once the exceptions are fixed) implement database framework for managing spawn groups based on boss state. Поздрави П. Новини около evowow server Какво се промени и какво ще остане същото Въпреки залязващата слава на wrath of the lich king, тази версия си остава все така велика, както великата китайска стена. Колкото и големи, нови, грандиозни сгради да се появят в днешния модерен свят, тя си остава единствената. evowow, все така няма намерение да променя сегашната версия на сървъра, но напоследък направихме няколко промени. Нивата на опит xp rate беше променено или по-скоро възстановено на предишните стойности. quests: x3 kills: x2 explore: x1 Наясно съм, че с това ще откажа някои по-нетърпеливи играчи, но съм убеден, че така ще намаля и играчите, които не ценят особенно героя, който ще развият. Вероятността да увелича популацията не е голяма, но вероятността да подобря качеството на популацията си струва риска. Почистване Разчистихме много от старите акаунти и герои, които не са ползвани от доста дъго време. Това се налага с цел да подобрявването на работата на сървърът като цяло. Това не вкючва архивираните герои. server update Сървърът ни беше обновен с огромно количество фиксове. Това включва и нова анти-чийт система, която известява gm + admins със sms, ако някой от играчите ползват непозволен софтуер. Така че Ви съветвам да не прибягвате до подобни изпълнения. wotlk database Аз също играя от време на време в играта и веднъж ми се наложи да потърся информация за нещо (не помня какво точно) и се оказа, че не намирам синхронизирана с нашият сървър wrath of the lich king database. Повечето вече бяха мигрирали на последните версии или пък все още бяха на vanilla. След няколко неуспешни опита да намеря това което искам, стигнах до заключението, че и други играчи са попадали в тази ситуация. След няколко експеримента и няколко неуспешни опита, пуснах този сайт: wotlk database Не е перфектен и има какво да се желае, но като за начало е добра придобивка, която ми помага в играта. Надявам се да помага и на други. Бъдещи задачи Има няколко неща, по които отделям време за подобряването им. Нов дизайн на сайта. Дневни статистики. (например, кой има най-много вотинг точки за тази седмица) Възстановяването на седмчния куест евент. (този с търсенето на предмети и чудесната награда.) Възстановяването на седмичните куестове от Арената в Гурубаши. Анти-Арена-Алт система. (край с алтването на арената) Поздрави. П. [ 1 ] 2 3 4 evowow private wow server © 2007-2018 all wrongs observed. some images/graphics are copyright © blizzard entertainment. this site is in no way associated with or endorsed by blizzard.